
There are no additional fees for LMS training, proctored assignments, or identity verification in online courses. Additional software may be required for proctored assignments and is provided to students at no charge. The software is also available on student computers on each campus for student use.

Online Course Procedures and FAQs

Contact Information

  • Your first point of contact for help in your courses is your instructor. Use the directory or look on your syllabus to find your instructor's contact information.
  • If your password for Blackboard or Smartweb needs resetting, call IT at 706-771-4864.
  • If you need help with the course list in Blackboard or other Blackboard features with which your instructor is not able to assist, please send an email to  Please include your student ID number. 


Students who register for a distance education course at the College receive a unique login based on the student's name and the student’s school identification. The individual identification numbers assigned to students allow them access to the single sign-on system used by the College. To ensure privacy, students must set up a multi-factor authentication step, so that they access a phone or email to get a code to enter upon login. Single sign-on and the multi-factor authentication process allow students access to the course content that resides within the College Learning Management System (LMS). Students have access to change their passwords at any time by answering secret security questions or contacting the IT Helpdesk.

In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), Augusta Technical College protects the privacy of students enrolled in Distance Education courses by ensuring the privacy and integrity of the communications and records used within the approved Learning Management System (LMS) course.  Student access to online course content is protected by a unique and secure login and password.  A secure grading system is provided. Access to student coursework is restricted to the instructor and LMS administrators. 

Free Online Tutoring

Free Online Tutoring is an online tutoring service for students taking online and blended classes.

Students in on-campus classes should continue to use the Success Center.

Online students are provided 5 hours of free online tutoring. Students who run out of free hours are encouraged to contact to request more free hours. Additional hours will be provided if the student’s hours were used for tutoring in an online class and the school limit has not been reached.



  • App - use the app to submit papers, retrieve returned papers, participate in live tutoring sessions, and submit offline questions
  • Drop-In Tutoring - get help within minutes by posting math problems, English sentences, A&P notes, etc. on a whiteboard to go over with a tutor
  • Writing Center - Submit an essay or a paragraph for feedback. Allow 48 hours per submission.
  • Scheduled tutoring sessions – Make an appointment at least two days in advance to have an audio or video tutoring session.